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Non-Round Grinding Algorithm 


The Grinding of non-circular contours on a cylindrical grinding machine is known as non-round grinding. This is achieved by interpolation in the wheel in-feed (linear) X-Axis and the work-piece (rotation) C-axis  


Non-Round grinding requires a software to generate the NC tool-path for synchronizing wheel-head in-feed and retraction with the work-piece rotation. The software used at MGT uses sub-optimal constant work-speed to avoid violating the physical limits (velocity, acceleration, and jerk) of the drive at any segment of the work profile. In Figure-1 It can be easily observed that the wheel-head in-feed experiences high velocities at ramp and nose of the cam but is stationary at the base circle of the cam lobe 

Personal Contribution:

Figure 1:  An Animation depicting wheel-head movement tracing a cam lobe profile during non-round grinding

I developed a non-linear feed optimization algorithm using gradient-projection technique to compute variable work-speeds at different regions of the component. This ensures the lowest cycle time while adhering to the machine’s kinematic limits.

The Optimization Problem was set up in the following manner:

  • Objective Function: Time taken for one complete rotation of the workpiece

  •  Design Variable:  Design Variables were the work-speed at each degree of the cam profile 

  • Constraints: The constraints were the kinematic limits of the in-feed axis of the grinding machine. The constraints have been noted below as:  

    • X-Axis Speed < 0.15 m/s 

    • X-Axis acc^n < 4 m/s^2 

    • X-Axis Jerk < 35 m/s^3 

Figure 2: A plot showing constant work RPM (in blue) as well as optimized feed with variable work-speeds  (in-green) at different regions of the cam-profile

As it can be seen in figure-2, in case of constant work-speed grinding the kinematic limits of the machine are violated at one portion of the cam-lobe, but the entire lobe is ground at lesser RPM. 

Figure 3-A:  Velocity, Acceleration, and jerk experienced by X-axis during constant work-rotation at 40 RPM.

Figure 3-B:  Velocity, Acceleration, and jerk experienced by X-axis during variable work seeds obtained after feed-optimization 


  • In Figure-2 it can be observed that in case of optimized feed, the work-speed reduces during the ramp to maintain all kinematic limits, similarly, the work-speeds are higher at the base circle as well as nose region

  • In Figure 3-B it can be observed that all parameters such as velocity, acceleration, and jerk are within the limits specified above

  • The increased work speed lead to a reduction in cycle time by almost 22%

Major Learnings:

  • Linear-Algebra 

  • Non-Linear Optimization 

  • NURBS and B-spline curves 

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